RUDOLF NICOLAI (Hochschule für Baukunst und Bildende Künste“ in Weimar formerly BAUHAUS) minimalistic object before 1970
Artist – Rudolf Nicolai
(*01. febuary 1918 Schkeuditz, † 1998 Niederdorfelden)
object: wall relief est. 1969
title – „maschine/engine“
signed on the back, wood, resin, red color, original state (conservation Ulrich Lang)
size: H 125,5 cm x W 79,0 cm, 17,00 KG
Provenience – bought from the estate of the late Artist
copyright for this photo owned by a private collection
artist info: German painter and sculptor (1918 born in Schkeuditz near Leipzig), 1938-40 training and work as a church restorer in Wroclaw, stud. 1946-51 at the Academy of Building and Visual Arts in Weimar (follow up Institution for „BAUHAUS“ wich was closed during 2nd world war)
1946 – 1951 Student and graduate at „Hochschule für Baukunst und Bildende Künste“ in Weimar
1950 – exhibition within the „Black Davis Price“
1951 – Request of the Contemporary Archives (Venice Biennale) of reproductions of the painters work
1956 – exhibitions in Frankfurt, Munich, Mainz
1959 winner of the international painting competition „Painters see Stuttgart“
1961 – exhibitions in France (Galerie Cadomus, Caen) https://www.ouest-france.fr/normandie/caen-14000/la-galerie-cadomus-une-epoque-follement-florissante-3931945
1963 the exhibition in the „Salon international de peinture et de sculpture de Monte-Carlo Salon Bosio“
1965 Darmstadt Sezession
1966 – exhibited within the „Hugo v. Montfort Price“, Bregenz https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo-von-Montfort-Preis
1966 – exhibited at the Norbottens Museum Lulea Sweden http://norrbottensmuseum.se/besoek/oeppettider.aspx
1968 „Art and Plastics“ in Wiesbaden, 1969 Museum on Ostwall Dortmund, u. a.
1975 – Artist remained to work independent in his atelier until his dead 1998
2018 – group show at gallery „Hanna Bekker vom Rath“ (https://www.galeriehannabekkervomrath.de/rudolf-nicolai/)