Dr. Jutta Failing (art historian / https://www.kunsthistoriker.org/branchenbuch.html?id=91) and Tyrown Vincent (executive curator) of a private collection (https://www.a-private-collection.com/) speak about collecting art on a everyday base.
Wich possibility do smaller, private art collectors (https://www.youngcollectorscircle.nl/english) have to integrate art in everyday living not spending extra budgets and how to afford art pieces of value by smart spending.
How does a private collection expand over time and how do you combine contemporary art and african classic sculptures – see cross collecting https://www.sothebysinstitute.com/news-and-events/news/cross-collecting/
This interview held by the frankfurter magazine https://the-frankfurter.com/was fully recorded for YouTube featuring many images from this unique art collection in the heart of Frankfurt, germany also as featured by Independent Collectors Berlin https://independent-collectors.com/collectors/tyrown-vincent/